Important links for web development .

2 min readDec 21, 2020

Hello TechBrainies, Welcome to my blog !!!! This blog will help you to find all the HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP important links so that you can happily follow your web development passion without worrying about resources.

Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash


  1. HTML cheat sheet :

2. Practice HTML code :

3. W3schools HTML.

4. MDN Documentation for HTML.

5. for html.

6. List of UTF-8 characters .

7. Unicode characters

8. Joel Spolsky on the absolute minimum any developer needs to know about unicode.

9. Publish your website using Github .

CSS :-

  1. CSS cheat sheet :-

2. MDN documentation on CSS.

3. Color palettes on .

4. W3schools CSS documentation.

5. Emojipedia to find your emoji .

6. Favicon to create icons for your website.

7. Web safe fonts .

8. Google Fonts .

9. Lorem Ipsum Generator .

10. The largest database of free icons available in PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD and BASE 64 formats : FLATICON .

11. Wanna use GIFs in you website ?

12. Button generator .


  1. Codeply : Bootstrap online editor.
  2. Documentation and Installation of Bootstrap .
  3. The awards for design, creativity and innovation on the Internet :
  4. Design patterns on
  5. Browse websites, designs, illustrations using Dribble.
  6. Wireframing templates using sneakpeekit.
  7. Google Fonts .
  8. Icons on Font awesome.
  9. Element gallery for web designing : Bootsnipp.
  10. Bootstrap carousel .
  11. Build a design using .
  12. Adobe Color Wheel.
  13. Daily UI challenges.
  14. UI ideas collection .

So, these are the important links one most definitely use while designing their personal website. I will be back soon with Javascript, React important links.

Till then please follow my blogs and instagram account . Loads of love to my readers !!!

